A local thrift store in Oklahoma City is stepping up to provide assistance to those in need during the ongoing cold temperatures. They are offering warm clothes, food, and water to help people stay comfortable and safe.
According to News 4, the store has confirmed that two homeless individuals have tragically lost their lives due to hypothermia while using the metro system this year. In an effort to prevent any further tragedies caused by the freezing temperatures, the store aims to take action.
Delisa Jones, the owner of Second Chance Thrift Store, expressed the deep heartbreak that comes when someone is lost despite our best efforts.
According to Delisa Jones, the owner of Second Chances Thrift Store, the freezing temperatures have a significant impact on the homeless community.
Jones expressed concern for individuals who refuse to leave their camps or belongings in extreme weather conditions, stating, “When the temps are just so bad, we cannot convince them to leave a camp or their site or their belongings, that’s all they have.”
Eight years ago, Jones embarked on her ministry with the intention of providing assistance to individuals who had nowhere else to go.
“I started Second Chances with the intention of creating a re-entry ministry that specifically caters to individuals who have experienced incarceration, homelessness, addiction, human trafficking, and sex trafficking,” explained Jones.
Jones, who works tirelessly throughout the year, admits that winter presents her with the most challenging days. Each day, she dedicates herself to distributing warm clothing, tents, and food to those in need.
Not only does Second Chances benefit the community, but the Homeless Alliance is also emphasizing the life-saving impact of their shelter.
“When it’s below freezing, we’re not going to turn people away, that the building can hold some more folks,” said Taylor Self, the Chief Communications Officer at the Homeless Alliance.
According to Taylor Self, a representative from the Homeless Alliance, although donations have been abundant this year, they tend to consume more resources during this particular season.
“I think that a continued support through the rest of the winter will help us really finish strong and keep people safe,” said Self.
“We just feel like if our community could come together a little bit tighter, then we could do so much more,” said Jones.
If you’re interested in volunteering or making a donation to the Second Chances Thrift Store, simply click here.
If you’re interested in providing resources to support the Homeless Alliance, please click here.
The city also offers various other shelters for those in need.
OG&E provides a comprehensive list of warming centers across the entire state, which can be accessed here.